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Full-time controllers working part-time for you

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  Independent Controllers is a privately owned company that provides your business with a full-time controller who works for you on a part-time basis.  We help your business succeed through delegation, which means that we work with you and your staff to delegate all accounting functions in order to incur the lowest possible cost to you.  We help you organize, problem-solve, and provide key information to your decision makers.


  Our job is to help you make and keep your money. 

Whether your company hires us for a few hours a month or for several hours each week, we will manage the accounting functions efficiently and affordably.


  We go beyond the bookkeeping.  Our goal is to supply you with critical financial information that is relevant to your business.  We start by evaluating your specific needs through one-on-one discovery sessions, then we customize our services, specifically for your business, in order to meet those needs.


  We perform our services on-site.  Our team will travel from our base in Pittsburgh to work at your location, with your people.  The technology we utilize also allows us to accommodate you remotely by providing a secure virtual office for your convenience.


  You get to know your contacts at Independent Controllers because they become a part of your team.  The individual assigned to your company will be a highly trained and certified financial professional.  Our employees' skills have been developed and refined through hands-on experience with hundreds of businesses throughout the tri-state region.


  Whether a business is still in the founding stages or has been established for years, Independent Controllers can help you grow your organization. We understand the needs and requirements of start up companies; from reporting to their board of directors to providing pertinent information to law firms, to pulling together research and development reports and expenses in order to be sure their tax credits are properly calculated.


  Our current clientele ranges from businesses who net $500,000 in sales to large, multi-location corporations.  They vary in interest from software to scrapyards.  There is almost no level of industry left unfamiliar to us.

  At Independent Controllers, we take great pride in our workmanship.  We're establishing relationships with new business every day, and we're constantly maintaining the highest level of quality service our oldest clients have come to expect.  We accept nothing less than the total satisfaction of our clients. Allow Independent Controllers to become an extension of your business. 


  We are your confidential financial advisors: discreet and professional. 


  Your trust is our greatest concern.



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